Sticking plasterboards
The surface intended for sticking should be durable, with completed bind processes, dry and free of grease, old coatings, paint covers, loose plaster and dust particles, not included in the biological corrosion.
In order to assure the absorbency of sticking surface, its whole surface should be primed with Strengthening-Priming Impregnate Śnieżka SUPER-DOM, in case of smooth concrete surfaces - with primer Podkład Gruntujący PA 10 FOVEO TECH.
The preparation of plasterboards should be started with them cut to the wall height minus 15 mm - to preserve the respective gaps between the floor and ceiling.
Before you start sticking the boards, perform all the work connected with floor and wall finishing, for example, associated with the electrical system. In plasterboards, any openings such as for the wall socket or lamp, etc., should be cut out.
Prepare Gypsum Adhesive (Klej Gipsowy) ACRYL-PUTZ® according to the instructions placed on its package. Remember that the prepared mass of the adhesive should be used within about 1 hour of time, and every batch of the adhesive shall be made by using clean tools and packages.
Glueing shall be carried out at a temperature from 5 to 30 0C by using a stainless steel trowel, or a spatula.
On the surface of the glued panel, put the adhesive in the form of ca. 2 cm thick patches at a diameter of 10 cm with intervals of app. 30-40 cm, and a few patches stretched along its edge.The plasterboard is applied to the wall and pressed lightly by using straightedges, length 1 or 2 m. It should leave a gap between the boards of about 2 mm, between the board and the ceiling of 5 mm, between the floor and the board: 10 mm. The gaps will allow free air circulation and enable the glue to bind firmly.
In order to plumb the boards, use a spirit level, applying it to the surface of the plasterboard. The time required for correction of the position is up to 10 min. The next plasterboard should be fitted after a time of min. 15 minutes.
Before final drying of plaster adhesive, check with the spirit level the arrangement of glued boards on the wall.
n the immediate vicinity of windows, sinks, chimneys, etc. the compound should be applied continuously over the entire surface of the glued plasterboard.
For surfaces with large bumps that exceed 20 mm, an initial levelling by glueing 10-cm wide strips of plasterboards is recommended. The strips should be glued vertically and horizontally, spacing every 60 cm.
- The jointing compound ACRYL-PUTZ for tapeless pointing the plasterboards, or
- The jointing compound ACRYL-PUTZ START for pointing with the use of tape or interlining